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Social Media Ads

Social media ads are one of the quickest and most effective ways to target an audience that is likely to fit the attributes of a sales rep. Not all ad campaigns perform the same in certain markets. Social ads will be charged from the rep’s backend.

Job Site Ads

Job Site Ads are external postings via indeed, handshake, zip-recruiter, etc. Our recruiting team will screen the leads before they set up an interview for you. This is one of the most convenient and hands-off ways to recruit within local universities and cities.

Career Fairs

The main benefit of a career fair is face to face communication which offers the first glimpse into whether a person’s a good fit for your office, thereby significantly shortening the screening process. Our team will assist you with getting a booth, material, and any other information. 


Events are not only a great way to retain your reps but to also invite potential recruits. Casino Night, Info Sessions, Golf Tournaments, Etc. Our recruiting team will help assist in setting up and promoting your event to the local universities in the area.


Prospecting Portfolio

Funnel your leads through your own unique link to keep track of all of your recruits that you have contacted. This URL will have your badge ID attached so that you will also be able to funnel your leads directly to you.


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